Saturday, February 19, 2011

Photography is becoming more of a passion

I used to be a one camera person, using a camera until it broke or wore out, not any longer it! I seem to be having GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) I've started using my dad's Pentax ME Super that may or may not be taking pictures. I'm working on the first roll of b&w film. I replaced the light seals last week. The ME needs to be sent for cleaning etc. the metering doesn't appear to be working. I'm not so confident of my light seal replacement either. It had been stored in damp conditions for years before seeing the light of day again, so the seals as well as camera bag had basically disintegrated.

A Friend & I were all set to take a black and white photography class, it was to start on Wednesday. I've been a bit concerned on what kind of results I will get with the Pentax until it can be seen by an expert. As luck would have it, the class was canceled. On Valentines day, before I knew that the B & W class was canceled I was surfing Ebay and came across a classic Minolta SRT 201, the same camera my husband had given me as a birthday gift in 1978 after we became engaged! I couldn't resist, it arrived yesterday and it is a beauty, the only problem is the shutter-speed scale has slipped out of space. I loaded it with 100 Kodak Gold this morning and started shooting some pictures at a local harbor. Tomorrow, I'm dragging my husband out early with me on a hike and I hope to finish the B&W that is in the Pentax and the color in the SRT. I'm kinda feeling like a kid in anticipation of what the pictures will look like.

Now, about my GAS problem, in July a pretty aqua blue waterproof Samsung AQ100 was added for kayaking and pocket size entertainment. It worked great white water rafting on the White Salmon river with friends too! I enjoyed the fun of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Disney Epcot in November with this little camera. In October, I gave in to the seduction of a Sony SLT a33. This is a really fun camera to use, fast light and uses the same lenses that my Sony a230 uses. I still have my Kodak P850 too! I'm also searching for some 127 film. In amongst my odds and ends of photography archaeology I found my old Imperial Satellite II

One of the other things I did today was get some pocket spiral notebooks to use when shooting film. I'll need to keep notes to compare once the film is developed so that I can see what worked and what didn't.

I've been purging my stashes of yarn, still knitting but have forsworn purchases unless it is for a specific project.

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